Minors and Co-factors

The value of determinant of square matrix of order 3 or more is defined in terms of 
Co-factors  of ts elements.
Let      be a square matrix of order n .
The determinant obtained by removing its  ith row and  jth column in  |A|  is denoted by
  is called the minor of the element   . The minor   of the element   is called
a minor of the matrix  and also of the determinant  |A| .
         Thus, we see that, the determinant obtained from a determinant by omitting the row
and the column in which a particular element lies is the minor of that element.

For example :   if       

If    is the minor of   , then    is called the co-factor of    and is denoted
by    .
co-factor of   
In above example,    

Remark :   is 1 or -1  according  as  i + j  is even or odd.
∴   and    coincides if  i + j  is even. And if  i + j  is odd then we have   .
